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Tanker Operator Article on Norwegian Taxes and Environmental Improvement

Norwegian ship owners meet a several billion NOK tax, but can get a 30% relief if this money is spent on improving ships’ environmental standard.

If the ship owners install technology which returns investments, there will be an actual tax relief. Needless to say, the cost of Venturie’s technology is easily and quickly recovered, but ship owners need to make sure charterers get the bill. After all, they see the saved money first.

The article also mentions vapour recovery during STS operations, and will be found in the Nov-December issue.

STS Transfers Workshop in Rotterdam

Now including host Mariflex, Venturie and Skaugen PetroTrans Marine Services successfully pulled off a workshop on lightering recommendations in Rotterdam.

The workshop was held on Sept. 5th in Delta Hotel, Vlaardingen, Holland, with broad attendance from lightering operators, oil companies and authorities. Participants will continue to work on a joint proposal to be accepted by oil companies and hopefully presented to OCIMF.

With increasing environmental requirements, Venturie and business partners are working to establish straightforward and operable solutions to curb emissions from ships lightering at irregular intervals.

Lightering Procedures Being Revised

Skaugen PetroTrans Marine Services and Venturie team up to establish harmonized lightering and vapour balancing standards.

There is a need to revise the operational guidelines as given in the OCIMF handbook and other available guides/standards. The issues of conducting vs. insulating flanges, pressure control and vapour management need to be addressed, so that both safety and the environmental impact can be optimized.

As an example, vapour return to the ship being lightered is not sufficient to remove emissions, contrary to prevailing notion. There is vapour growth, and well considered procedures can reduce this while maintaining high safety levels. Venturie will add their process know-how to safeguard a minimum emission level throughout operations, and lead a workgroup.

Oil majors will join the workgroup to ensure harmony with other parts of the transport chain, so that their safety standards plus class requirements are being met.

SPT hope that this work will increase their visibility in the marketplace as the pacesetter in ship to ship transfer operations.

Venturie Partner Norsok Certified

Venturie’s partner in control systems, Origo Control AS, has received a “Green Flag” in the Achilles HES Norsok Certification system.

This certification and the newly entered long term agreement with Statoil, confirm that Venturie’s control system and installation workmanship can be expected to follow the most demanding standards in the offshore industry.
The 5 year contract is for maintenance & modifications on the fire & gas system on the Snorre A platform.

Venturie congratulate Origo on this achievement!